Born in 1998? Find Your Conception Song!1998Born this year?
MMBop!, Tubthumping, Crash into Me and My Love is the Shhh! were among the songs on the radio during your conception era.
Check the date to find the # 1 song when you were conceived, nine months ago!

The average length of human gestation (Your ‘Conception Era’) is 280 days, or 40 weeks, from the first day of the woman’s last menstrual period. The medical term for the due date is estimated date of confinement (EDC).
If you were born late, or a bit premature, add or subtract those days.

This Year’s Euphemism: Getting jiggy with it

Your Birthday:
January 1st, 1998:
Puff Daddy featuring MaseCan’t Nobody Hold Me Down

January 2nd, 1998:
Puff Daddy featuring MaseCan’t Nobody Hold Me Down

January 3rd, 1998:
Puff Daddy featuring MaseCan’t Nobody Hold Me Down

January 4th, 1998:
Puff Daddy featuring MaseCan’t Nobody Hold Me Down

January 5th, 1998:
Puff Daddy featuring MaseCan’t Nobody Hold Me Down

January 6th, 1998:
Puff Daddy featuring MaseCan’t Nobody Hold Me Down

January 7th, 1998:
Puff Daddy featuring MaseCan’t Nobody Hold Me Down

January 8th, 1998:
Puff Daddy featuring MaseCan’t Nobody Hold Me Down

January 9th, 1998:
Puff Daddy featuring MaseCan’t Nobody Hold Me Down

January 10th, 1998:
Puff Daddy featuring MaseCan’t Nobody Hold Me Down

January 11th, 1998:
Puff Daddy featuring MaseCan’t Nobody Hold Me Down

January 12th, 1998:
Puff Daddy featuring MaseCan’t Nobody Hold Me Down

January 13th, 1998:
Puff Daddy featuring MaseCan’t Nobody Hold Me Down

January 14th, 1998:
Puff Daddy featuring MaseCan’t Nobody Hold Me Down

January 15th, 1998:
Puff Daddy featuring MaseCan’t Nobody Hold Me Down

January 16th, 1998:
Puff Daddy featuring MaseCan’t Nobody Hold Me Down

January 17th, 1998:
Puff Daddy featuring MaseCan’t Nobody Hold Me Down

January 18th, 1998:
Puff Daddy featuring MaseCan’t Nobody Hold Me Down

January 19th, 1998:
Puff Daddy featuring MaseCan’t Nobody Hold Me Down

January 20th, 1998:
Puff Daddy featuring MaseCan’t Nobody Hold Me Down

January 21st, 1998:
Puff Daddy featuring MaseCan’t Nobody Hold Me Down

January 22nd, 1998:
Puff Daddy featuring MaseCan’t Nobody Hold Me Down

January 23rd, 1998:
Puff Daddy featuring MaseCan’t Nobody Hold Me Down

January 24th, 1998:
Puff Daddy featuring MaseCan’t Nobody Hold Me Down

January 25th, 1998:
Puff Daddy featuring MaseCan’t Nobody Hold Me Down

January 26th, 1998:
Puff Daddy featuring MaseCan’t Nobody Hold Me Down

January 27th, 1998:
Puff Daddy featuring MaseCan’t Nobody Hold Me Down

January 28th, 1998:
Puff Daddy featuring MaseCan’t Nobody Hold Me Down

January 29th, 1998:
Puff Daddy featuring MaseCan’t Nobody Hold Me Down

January 30th, 1998:
Puff Daddy featuring MaseCan’t Nobody Hold Me Down

January 31st, 1998:
Puff Daddy featuring MaseCan’t Nobody Hold Me Down

February 1st, 1998:
Puff Daddy featuring MaseCan’t Nobody Hold Me Down

February 2nd, 1998:
Puff Daddy featuring MaseCan’t Nobody Hold Me Down

February 3rd, 1998:
Puff Daddy featuring MaseCan’t Nobody Hold Me Down

February 4th, 1998:
Puff Daddy featuring MaseCan’t Nobody Hold Me Down

February 5th, 1998:
Puff Daddy featuring MaseCan’t Nobody Hold Me Down

February 6th, 1998:
Puff Daddy featuring MaseCan’t Nobody Hold Me Down

February 7th, 1998:
Puff Daddy featuring MaseCan’t Nobody Hold Me Down

February 8th, 1998:
The Notorious B.I.G.Hypnotize

February 9th, 1998:
The Notorious B.I.G.Hypnotize

February 10th, 1998:
The Notorious B.I.G.Hypnotize

February 11th, 1998:
The Notorious B.I.G.Hypnotize

February 12th, 1998:
The Notorious B.I.G.Hypnotize

February 13th, 1998:
The Notorious B.I.G.Hypnotize

February 14th, 1998:
The Notorious B.I.G.Hypnotize

February 15th, 1998:
The Notorious B.I.G.Hypnotize

February 16th, 1998:
The Notorious B.I.G.Hypnotize

February 17th, 1998:
The Notorious B.I.G.Hypnotize

February 18th, 1998:
The Notorious B.I.G.Hypnotize

February 19th, 1998:
The Notorious B.I.G.Hypnotize

February 20th, 1998:
The Notorious B.I.G.Hypnotize

February 21st, 1998:
The Notorious B.I.G.Hypnotize

February 22nd, 1998:
The Notorious B.I.G.Hypnotize

February 23rd, 1998:
The Notorious B.I.G.Hypnotize

February 24th, 1998:
The Notorious B.I.G.Hypnotize

February 25th, 1998:
The Notorious B.I.G.Hypnotize

February 26th, 1998:
The Notorious B.I.G.Hypnotize

February 27th, 1998:
The Notorious B.I.G.Hypnotize

February 28th, 1998:
The Notorious B.I.G.Hypnotize

March 1st, 1998:

March 2nd, 1998:

March 3rd, 1998:

March 4th, 1998:

March 5th, 1998:

March 6th, 1998:

March 7th, 1998:

March 8th, 1998:

March 9th, 1998:

March 10th, 1998:

March 11th, 1998:

March 12th, 1998:

March 13th, 1998:

March 14th, 1998:

March 15th, 1998:

March 16th, 1998:

March 17th, 1998:

March 18th, 1998:

March 19th, 1998:

March 20th, 1998:

March 21st, 1998:

March 22nd, 1998:
Puff Daddy & Faith Evans featuring 112I’ll Be Missing You

March 23rd, 1998:
Puff Daddy & Faith Evans featuring 112I’ll Be Missing You

March 24th, 1998:
Puff Daddy & Faith Evans featuring 112I’ll Be Missing You

March 25th, 1998:
Puff Daddy & Faith Evans featuring 112I’ll Be Missing You

March 26th, 1998:
Puff Daddy & Faith Evans featuring 112I’ll Be Missing You

March 27th, 1998:
Puff Daddy & Faith Evans featuring 112I’ll Be Missing You

March 28th, 1998:
Puff Daddy & Faith Evans featuring 112I’ll Be Missing You

March 29th, 1998:
Puff Daddy & Faith Evans featuring 112I’ll Be Missing You

March 30th, 1998:
Puff Daddy & Faith Evans featuring 112I’ll Be Missing You

March 31st, 1998:
Puff Daddy & Faith Evans featuring 112I’ll Be Missing You

April 1st, 1998:
Puff Daddy & Faith Evans featuring 112I’ll Be Missing You

April 2nd, 1998:
Puff Daddy & Faith Evans featuring 112I’ll Be Missing You

April 3rd, 1998:
Puff Daddy & Faith Evans featuring 112I’ll Be Missing You

April 4th, 1998:
Puff Daddy & Faith Evans featuring 112I’ll Be Missing You

April 5th, 1998:
Puff Daddy & Faith Evans featuring 112I’ll Be Missing You

April 6th, 1998:
Puff Daddy & Faith Evans featuring 112I’ll Be Missing You

April 7th, 1998:
Puff Daddy & Faith Evans featuring 112I’ll Be Missing You

April 8th, 1998:
Puff Daddy & Faith Evans featuring 112I’ll Be Missing You

April 9th, 1998:
Puff Daddy & Faith Evans featuring 112I’ll Be Missing You

April 10th, 1998:
Puff Daddy & Faith Evans featuring 112I’ll Be Missing You

April 11th, 1998:
Puff Daddy & Faith Evans featuring 112I’ll Be Missing You

April 12th, 1998:
Puff Daddy & Faith Evans featuring 112I’ll Be Missing You

April 13th, 1998:
Puff Daddy & Faith Evans featuring 112I’ll Be Missing You

April 14th, 1998:
Puff Daddy & Faith Evans featuring 112I’ll Be Missing You

April 15th, 1998:
Puff Daddy & Faith Evans featuring 112I’ll Be Missing You

April 16th, 1998:
Puff Daddy & Faith Evans featuring 112I’ll Be Missing You

April 17th, 1998:
Puff Daddy & Faith Evans featuring 112I’ll Be Missing You

April 18th, 1998:
Puff Daddy & Faith Evans featuring 112I’ll Be Missing You

April 19th, 1998:
Puff Daddy & Faith Evans featuring 112I’ll Be Missing You

April 20th, 1998:
Puff Daddy & Faith Evans featuring 112I’ll Be Missing You

April 21st, 1998:
Puff Daddy & Faith Evans featuring 112I’ll Be Missing You

April 22nd, 1998:
Puff Daddy & Faith Evans featuring 112I’ll Be Missing You

April 23rd, 1998:
Puff Daddy & Faith Evans featuring 112I’ll Be Missing You

April 24th, 1998:
Puff Daddy & Faith Evans featuring 112I’ll Be Missing You

April 25th, 1998:
Puff Daddy & Faith Evans featuring 112I’ll Be Missing You

April 26th, 1998:
Puff Daddy & Faith Evans featuring 112I’ll Be Missing You

April 27th, 1998:
Puff Daddy & Faith Evans featuring 112I’ll Be Missing You

April 28th, 1998:
Puff Daddy & Faith Evans featuring 112I’ll Be Missing You

April 29th, 1998:
Puff Daddy & Faith Evans featuring 112I’ll Be Missing You

April 30th, 1998:
Puff Daddy & Faith Evans featuring 112I’ll Be Missing You

May 1st, 1998:
Puff Daddy & Faith Evans featuring 112I’ll Be Missing You

May 2nd, 1998:
Puff Daddy & Faith Evans featuring 112I’ll Be Missing You

May 3rd, 1998:
Puff Daddy & Faith Evans featuring 112I’ll Be Missing You

May 4th, 1998:
Puff Daddy & Faith Evans featuring 112I’ll Be Missing You

May 5th, 1998:
Puff Daddy & Faith Evans featuring 112I’ll Be Missing You

May 6th, 1998:
Puff Daddy & Faith Evans featuring 112I’ll Be Missing You

May 7th, 1998:
Puff Daddy & Faith Evans featuring 112I’ll Be Missing You

May 8th, 1998:
Puff Daddy & Faith Evans featuring 112I’ll Be Missing You

May 9th, 1998:
Puff Daddy & Faith Evans featuring 112I’ll Be Missing You

May 10th, 1998:
Puff Daddy & Faith Evans featuring 112I’ll Be Missing You

May 11th, 1998:
Puff Daddy & Faith Evans featuring 112I’ll Be Missing You

May 12th, 1998:
Puff Daddy & Faith Evans featuring 112I’ll Be Missing You

May 13th, 1998:
Puff Daddy & Faith Evans featuring 112I’ll Be Missing You

May 14th, 1998:
Puff Daddy & Faith Evans featuring 112I’ll Be Missing You

May 15th, 1998:
Puff Daddy & Faith Evans featuring 112I’ll Be Missing You

May 16th, 1998:
Puff Daddy & Faith Evans featuring 112I’ll Be Missing You

May 17th, 1998:
Puff Daddy & Faith Evans featuring 112I’ll Be Missing You

May 18th, 1998:
Puff Daddy & Faith Evans featuring 112I’ll Be Missing You

May 19th, 1998:
Puff Daddy & Faith Evans featuring 112I’ll Be Missing You

May 20th, 1998:
Puff Daddy & Faith Evans featuring 112I’ll Be Missing You

May 21st, 1998:
Puff Daddy & Faith Evans featuring 112I’ll Be Missing You

May 22nd, 1998:
Puff Daddy & Faith Evans featuring 112I’ll Be Missing You

May 23rd, 1998:
Puff Daddy & Faith Evans featuring 112I’ll Be Missing You

May 24th, 1998:
Puff Daddy & Faith Evans featuring 112I’ll Be Missing You

May 25th, 1998:
Puff Daddy & Faith Evans featuring 112I’ll Be Missing You

May 26th, 1998:
Puff Daddy & Faith Evans featuring 112I’ll Be Missing You

May 27th, 1998:
Puff Daddy & Faith Evans featuring 112I’ll Be Missing You

May 28th, 1998:
Puff Daddy & Faith Evans featuring 112I’ll Be Missing You

May 29th, 1998:
Puff Daddy & Faith Evans featuring 112I’ll Be Missing You

May 30th, 1998:
Puff Daddy & Faith Evans featuring 112I’ll Be Missing You

May 31st, 1998:
Puff Daddy & Faith Evans featuring 112I’ll Be Missing You

June 1st, 1998:
Puff Daddy & Faith Evans featuring 112I’ll Be Missing You

June 2nd, 1998:
Puff Daddy & Faith Evans featuring 112I’ll Be Missing You

June 3rd, 1998:
Puff Daddy & Faith Evans featuring 112I’ll Be Missing You

June 4th, 1998:
Puff Daddy & Faith Evans featuring 112I’ll Be Missing You

June 5th, 1998:
Puff Daddy & Faith Evans featuring 112I’ll Be Missing You

June 6th, 1998:
The Notorious B.I.G. featuring Puff Daddy & MaseMo Money Mo Problems

June 7th, 1998:
The Notorious B.I.G. featuring Puff Daddy & MaseMo Money Mo Problems

June 8th, 1998:
The Notorious B.I.G. featuring Puff Daddy & MaseMo Money Mo Problems

June 9th, 1998:
The Notorious B.I.G. featuring Puff Daddy & MaseMo Money Mo Problems

June 10th, 1998:
The Notorious B.I.G. featuring Puff Daddy & MaseMo Money Mo Problems

June 11th, 1998:
The Notorious B.I.G. featuring Puff Daddy & MaseMo Money Mo Problems

June 12th, 1998:
The Notorious B.I.G. featuring Puff Daddy & MaseMo Money Mo Problems

June 13th, 1998:
The Notorious B.I.G. featuring Puff Daddy & MaseMo Money Mo Problems

June 14th, 1998:
The Notorious B.I.G. featuring Puff Daddy & MaseMo Money Mo Problems

June 15th, 1998:
The Notorious B.I.G. featuring Puff Daddy & MaseMo Money Mo Problems

June 16th, 1998:
The Notorious B.I.G. featuring Puff Daddy & MaseMo Money Mo Problems

June 17th, 1998:
The Notorious B.I.G. featuring Puff Daddy & MaseMo Money Mo Problems

June 18th, 1998:
The Notorious B.I.G. featuring Puff Daddy & MaseMo Money Mo Problems

June 19th, 1998:
The Notorious B.I.G. featuring Puff Daddy & MaseMo Money Mo Problems

June 20th, 1998:
Mariah CareyHoney

June 21st, 1998:
Mariah CareyHoney

June 22nd, 1998:
Mariah CareyHoney

June 23rd, 1998:
Mariah CareyHoney

June 24th, 1998:
Mariah CareyHoney

June 25th, 1998:
Mariah CareyHoney

June 26th, 1998:
Mariah CareyHoney

June 27th, 1998:
Mariah CareyHoney

June 28th, 1998:
Mariah CareyHoney

June 29th, 1998:
Mariah CareyHoney

June 30th, 1998:
Mariah CareyHoney

July 1st, 1998:
Mariah CareyHoney

July 2nd, 1998:
Mariah CareyHoney

July 3rd, 1998:
Mariah CareyHoney

July 4th, 1998:
Mariah CareyHoney

July 5th, 1998:
Mariah CareyHoney

July 6th, 1998:
Mariah CareyHoney

July 7th, 1998:
Mariah CareyHoney

July 8th, 1998:
Mariah CareyHoney

July 9th, 1998:
Mariah CareyHoney

July 10th, 1998:
Mariah CareyHoney

July 11th, 1998:
Boyz II Men4 Seasons of Loneliness

July 12th, 1998:
Boyz II Men4 Seasons of Loneliness

July 13th, 1998:
Boyz II Men4 Seasons of Loneliness

July 14th, 1998:
Boyz II Men4 Seasons of Loneliness

July 15th, 1998:
Boyz II Men4 Seasons of Loneliness

July 16th, 1998:
Boyz II Men4 Seasons of Loneliness

July 17th, 1998:
Boyz II Men4 Seasons of Loneliness

July 18th, 1998:
Elton JohnCandle in the Wind ’97

July 19th, 1998:
Elton JohnCandle in the Wind ’97

July 20th, 1998:
Elton JohnCandle in the Wind ’97

July 21st, 1998:
Elton JohnCandle in the Wind ’97

July 22nd, 1998:
Elton JohnCandle in the Wind ’97

July 23rd, 1998:
Elton JohnCandle in the Wind ’97

July 24th, 1998:
Elton JohnCandle in the Wind ’97

July 25th, 1998:
Elton JohnCandle in the Wind ’97

July 26th, 1998:
Elton JohnCandle in the Wind ’97

July 27th, 1998:
Elton JohnCandle in the Wind ’97

July 28th, 1998:
Elton JohnCandle in the Wind ’97

July 29th, 1998:
Elton JohnCandle in the Wind ’97

July 30th, 1998:
Elton JohnCandle in the Wind ’97

July 31st, 1998:
Elton JohnCandle in the Wind ’97

August 1st, 1998:
Elton JohnCandle in the Wind ’97

August 2nd, 1998:
Elton JohnCandle in the Wind ’97

August 3rd, 1998:
Elton JohnCandle in the Wind ’97

August 4th, 1998:
Elton JohnCandle in the Wind ’97

August 5th, 1998:
Elton JohnCandle in the Wind ’97

August 6th, 1998:
Elton JohnCandle in the Wind ’97

August 7th, 1998:
Elton JohnCandle in the Wind ’97

August 8th, 1998:
Elton JohnCandle in the Wind ’97

August 9th, 1998:
Elton JohnCandle in the Wind ’97

August 10th, 1998:
Elton JohnCandle in the Wind ’97

August 11th, 1998:
Elton JohnCandle in the Wind ’97

August 12th, 1998:
Elton JohnCandle in the Wind ’97

August 13th, 1998:
Elton JohnCandle in the Wind ’97

August 14th, 1998:
Elton JohnCandle in the Wind ’97

August 15th, 1998:
Elton JohnCandle in the Wind ’97

August 16th, 1998:
Elton JohnCandle in the Wind ’97

August 17th, 1998:
Elton JohnCandle in the Wind ’97

August 18th, 1998:
Elton JohnCandle in the Wind ’97

August 19th, 1998:
Elton JohnCandle in the Wind ’97

August 20th, 1998:
Elton JohnCandle in the Wind ’97

August 21st, 1998:
Elton JohnCandle in the Wind ’97

August 22nd, 1998:
Elton JohnCandle in the Wind ’97

August 23rd, 1998:
Elton JohnCandle in the Wind ’97

August 24th, 1998:
Elton JohnCandle in the Wind ’97

August 25th, 1998:
Elton JohnCandle in the Wind ’97

August 26th, 1998:
Elton JohnCandle in the Wind ’97

August 27th, 1998:
Elton JohnCandle in the Wind ’97

August 28th, 1998:
Elton JohnCandle in the Wind ’97

August 29th, 1998:
Elton JohnCandle in the Wind ’97

August 30th, 1998:
Elton JohnCandle in the Wind ’97

August 31st, 1998:
Elton JohnCandle in the Wind ’97

September 1st, 1998:
Elton JohnCandle in the Wind ’97

September 2nd, 1998:
Elton JohnCandle in the Wind ’97

September 3rd, 1998:
Elton JohnCandle in the Wind ’97

September 4th, 1998:
Elton JohnCandle in the Wind ’97

September 5th, 1998:
Elton JohnCandle in the Wind ’97

September 6th, 1998:
Elton JohnCandle in the Wind ’97

September 7th, 1998:
Elton JohnCandle in the Wind ’97

September 8th, 1998:
Elton JohnCandle in the Wind ’97

September 9th, 1998:
Elton JohnCandle in the Wind ’97

September 10th, 1998:
Elton JohnCandle in the Wind ’97

September 11th, 1998:
Elton JohnCandle in the Wind ’97

September 12th, 1998:
Elton JohnCandle in the Wind ’97

September 13th, 1998:
Elton JohnCandle in the Wind ’97

September 14th, 1998:
Elton JohnCandle in the Wind ’97

September 15th, 1998:
Elton JohnCandle in the Wind ’97

September 16th, 1998:
Elton JohnCandle in the Wind ’97

September 17th, 1998:
Elton JohnCandle in the Wind ’97

September 18th, 1998:
Elton JohnCandle in the Wind ’97

September 19th, 1998:
Elton JohnCandle in the Wind ’97

September 20th, 1998:
Elton JohnCandle in the Wind ’97

September 21st, 1998:
Elton JohnCandle in the Wind ’97

September 22nd, 1998:
Elton JohnCandle in the Wind ’97

September 23rd, 1998:
Elton JohnCandle in the Wind ’97

September 24th, 1998:
Elton JohnCandle in the Wind ’97

September 25th, 1998:
Elton JohnCandle in the Wind ’97

September 26th, 1998:
Elton JohnCandle in the Wind ’97

September 27th, 1998:
Elton JohnCandle in the Wind ’97

September 28th, 1998:
Elton JohnCandle in the Wind ’97

September 29th, 1998:
Elton JohnCandle in the Wind ’97

September 30th, 1998:
Elton JohnCandle in the Wind ’97

October 1st, 1998:
Elton JohnCandle in the Wind ’97

October 2nd, 1998:
Elton JohnCandle in the Wind ’97

October 3rd, 1998:
Elton JohnCandle in the Wind ’97

October 4th, 1998:
Elton JohnCandle in the Wind ’97

October 5th, 1998:
Elton JohnCandle in the Wind ’97

October 6th, 1998:
Elton JohnCandle in the Wind ’97

October 7th, 1998:
Elton JohnCandle in the Wind ’97

October 8th, 1998:
Elton JohnCandle in the Wind ’97

October 9th, 1998:
Elton JohnCandle in the Wind ’97

October 10th, 1998:
Elton JohnCandle in the Wind ’97

October 11th, 1998:
Elton JohnCandle in the Wind ’97

October 12th, 1998:
Elton JohnCandle in the Wind ’97

October 13th, 1998:
Elton JohnCandle in the Wind ’97

October 14th, 1998:
Elton JohnCandle in the Wind ’97

October 15th, 1998:
Elton JohnCandle in the Wind ’97

October 16th, 1998:
Elton JohnCandle in the Wind ’97

October 17th, 1998:
Elton JohnCandle in the Wind ’97

October 18th, 1998:
Elton JohnCandle in the Wind ’97

October 19th, 1998:
Elton JohnCandle in the Wind ’97

October 20th, 1998:
Elton JohnCandle in the Wind ’97

October 21st, 1998:
Elton JohnCandle in the Wind ’97

October 22nd, 1998:
Elton JohnCandle in the Wind ’97

October 23rd, 1998:
Elton JohnCandle in the Wind ’97

October 24th, 1998:
Savage GardenTruly Madly Deeply

October 25th, 1998:
Savage GardenTruly Madly Deeply

October 26th, 1998:
Savage GardenTruly Madly Deeply

October 27th, 1998:
Savage GardenTruly Madly Deeply

October 28th, 1998:
Savage GardenTruly Madly Deeply

October 29th, 1998:
Savage GardenTruly Madly Deeply

October 30th, 1998:
Savage GardenTruly Madly Deeply

October 31st, 1998:
Savage GardenTruly Madly Deeply

November 1st, 1998:
Savage GardenTruly Madly Deeply

November 2nd, 1998:
Savage GardenTruly Madly Deeply

November 3rd, 1998:
Savage GardenTruly Madly Deeply

November 4th, 1998:
Savage GardenTruly Madly Deeply

November 5th, 1998:
Savage GardenTruly Madly Deeply

November 6th, 1998:
Savage GardenTruly Madly Deeply

November 7th, 1998:
Janet JacksonTogether Again

November 8th, 1998:
Janet JacksonTogether Again

November 9th, 1998:
Janet JacksonTogether Again

November 10th, 1998:
Janet JacksonTogether Again

November 11th, 1998:
Janet JacksonTogether Again

November 12th, 1998:
Janet JacksonTogether Again

November 13th, 1998:
Janet JacksonTogether Again

November 14th, 1998:
Janet JacksonTogether Again

November 15th, 1998:
Janet JacksonTogether Again

November 16th, 1998:
Janet JacksonTogether Again

November 17th, 1998:
Janet JacksonTogether Again

November 18th, 1998:
Janet JacksonTogether Again

November 19th, 1998:
Janet JacksonTogether Again

November 20th, 1998:
Janet JacksonTogether Again

November 21st, 1998:
UsherNice And Slow

November 22nd, 1998:
UsherNice And Slow

November 23rd, 1998:
UsherNice And Slow

November 24th, 1998:
UsherNice And Slow

November 25th, 1998:
UsherNice And Slow

November 26th, 1998:
UsherNice And Slow

November 27th, 1998:
UsherNice And Slow

November 28th, 1998:
UsherNice And Slow

November 29th, 1998:
UsherNice And Slow

November 30th, 1998:
UsherNice And Slow

December 1st, 1998:
UsherNice And Slow

December 2nd, 1998:
UsherNice And Slow

December 3rd, 1998:
UsherNice And Slow

December 4th, 1998:
UsherNice And Slow

December 5th, 1998:
C�line DionMy Heart Will Go On

December 6th, 1998:
C�line DionMy Heart Will Go On

December 7th, 1998:
C�line DionMy Heart Will Go On

December 8th, 1998:
C�line DionMy Heart Will Go On

December 9th, 1998:
C�line DionMy Heart Will Go On

December 10th, 1998:
C�line DionMy Heart Will Go On

December 11th, 1998:
C�line DionMy Heart Will Go On

December 12th, 1998:
C�line DionMy Heart Will Go On

December 13th, 1998:
C�line DionMy Heart Will Go On

December 14th, 1998:
C�line DionMy Heart Will Go On

December 15th, 1998:
C�line DionMy Heart Will Go On

December 16th, 1998:
C�line DionMy Heart Will Go On

December 17th, 1998:
C�line DionMy Heart Will Go On

December 18th, 1998:
C�line DionMy Heart Will Go On

December 19th, 1998:
C�line DionMy Heart Will Go On

December 20th, 1998:
Will SmithGettin’ Jiggy Wit It

December 21st, 1998:
Will SmithGettin’ Jiggy Wit It

December 22nd, 1998:
Will SmithGettin’ Jiggy Wit It

December 23rd, 1998:
Will SmithGettin’ Jiggy Wit It

December 24th, 1998:
Will SmithGettin’ Jiggy Wit It

December 25th, 1998:
Will SmithGettin’ Jiggy Wit It

December 26th, 1998:
Will SmithGettin’ Jiggy Wit It

December 27th, 1998:
Will SmithGettin’ Jiggy Wit It

December 28th, 1998:
Will SmithGettin’ Jiggy Wit It

December 29th, 1998:
Will SmithGettin’ Jiggy Wit It

December 30th, 1998:
Will SmithGettin’ Jiggy Wit It

December 31st, 1998:
Will SmithGettin’ Jiggy Wit It

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